Our educational goal:
To (Quicken), to bring to light and life the Spiritual and Eternal Perspective of God’s Kingdom in the details of the subjects we teach.
Our educational goal:
The word “Quicken” is a somewhat obscure Biblical word, but unless we understand it we may miss the nature of what God is doing in our world today, and what we are enlisted to by Him to do as spiritual midwives.
The literal Greek meaning of the word quicken is to “make alive, give life, or vitality.”
Thayer's | Strong's
1.To produce alive, begat or bear living young
2.to cause to live, make alive, give life
3.by spiritual power, to arouse and invigorate
4.to restore to life
5.to give increase of physical life
6.of the spirit, endued with new and greater
powers of life
Quickening is simply "LIFE" from the
Holy Spirit imparted to us.
Our working definition:
To bring to light and life.